Treasurer's Office
Goodland, KS 67735
Please be certain the tax statement covers your property. Sherman County is not responsible if taxes are paid on the wrong property.
Full year tax is owed on all Personal Property owned as of January 1. Kansas law makes no provision for pro-ration. (Except trucks over 16,000 lbs.)
If taxes are not paid by the due dates, interest of 9% per annum will be added as provided by law. Make checks payable to the Sherman County Treasurer. Write the property or bill number on the check and include the appropriate stub from your tax statement showing 1st half, 2nd half or Full Payment to ensure proper credit. If you want to receive a receipt via email include your email address.
Pay Your taxes Online: The Property Tax Payment application allows taxpayers the opportunity to make property tax payments on their desktop or mobile device. The link to pay on line is
Tax Payment Plan: Sherman County offers payment plans for future tax payments. If you would like more information about a payment plan you can contact our office by email or phone.
After December 20th and Until May 10th, the first half payment plus interest can be paid. If not paid by May 10th, the full tax plus interest must be paid. If taxes go unpaid for 3 years, the property becomes subject to tax foreclosure sale by the County. The property will be sold at auction.
After December 20th, Personal Property taxes are due plus interest. Full unpaid personal property taxes are sent to the Sheriff for collection in March. If the first half taxes are paid in December, the second half is due May 10th. Second half unpaid personal property taxes are sent to the Sheriff for collection in August.
Three Methods of Payment:
1. Mail in Check or Money Order, made out to “Sherman County Treasurer”, with the appropriate remittance stub from your tax statement attached. There is a return included with your tax statement. To have a receipt mailed or e-mailed, please check the appropriate box on the remittance stub.
2. Hand deliver check, money order or cash to our office. Please bring the appropriate remittance stub from your tax statement with you to the office.
3. Pay with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card or e-check. There are additional fees that apply. The fee is charged by the credit card vendor and is added to the total of your tax transactions. Provide your tax ID number for proper credit.
4. Pay Online at: You will need your tax statement number of Tax ID.
You must file a Payment Under Protest and have a Hearing with the Appraisers Office. All changes to the Tax Bill are issued by the Sherman County Appraiser. The Treasurer’s Office receives this information and issues corrected tax bill. Reductions will be reflected on the second half payment if taxes were not paid in full. A refund will be issued if the taxes were paid in full and there is a reduction.
1. If you have not had a meeting with the County Appraiser on the valuation of your property for the same tax year, you can file a protest. Protest forms are available from the County Treasurer or you can print a form from The Kansas Board of Tax Appeals website: (requires acrobat reader)
2. Contact your County Treasurer’s office to request the protest forms after November 1st. Please read and follow the instructions carefully for a successful appeal. NOTE: If the protest form is received in the Treasurer’s office unsigned, the protest will be considered invalid and will be returned to you. The delay may jeopardize your chances for a hearing.
3. Tax protest forms must be completed before sending to the Treasurer’s office on or before December 20th. If taxes are paid by an escrow agent, you have until January 31st of the following year to file your protest.
4. You must keep a copy of the protest form. You will need to use this form to file the protest with the Board of Tax Appeals if you are not satisfied with the County’s decision.
5. The County Appraiser will contact you to schedule an informal meeting after the County Treasurer forwards your protest form to the Appraiser. If you are filing a protest on the basis of an illegal tax levy, an Appendix must be completed and attached to the protest form. Those protest forms will be mailed by the Treasurer to the State Board of Tax Appeals. No informal hearing will be held with the Appraiser in the case of illegal tax levy protests.
6. If you are successful in your appeal and your taxes are reduced and result in a refund, payment will be issued upon the Treasurer receiving a correction from the County Appraiser’s office. Please note: Should your taxes be reduced, and not result in a refund, your 2nd half taxes will be reduced by the amount of that refund.
Delinquent real estate taxes not paid within 3 years are referred to the County Attorney for foreclosure action, thus putting the property in jeopardy of being sold at auction.
Publication of Delinquent Real Estate Taxes
Real Estate taxes that are unpaid August 1st of the current year are published in the official county newspaper (as designated by the Board of County Commissioners) for 3 consecutive weeks in August in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 79-2301 to 79-2323a.
Publication of Delinquent Personal Property Taxes
Personal Property taxes that are unpaid October 1st of the current tax year are published in compliance with K.S.A. 19-547 for 3 consecutive weeks in October in the official county newspaper (as designated by the Board of County Commissioners). Also, a judgment lien is filed in the Sherman County District Court.
Tax foreclosure auctions take place in the Sherman County Court House. The date is determined four to six weeks prior to the sale date and is announced through publication in the Goodland Star News or may be obtained by calling the treasurer’s office, 785-890-4810. You may also request to have an email notification sent to you when the sale dates are scheduled.
Owners, heirs and lien holders of record have the right to redeem properties through close of business the day prior to the sale date.
Therefore, prospective bidders are cautioned that they cannot be sure a given property will actually be sold at auction until the specified sale date.
All sales are final, unless successfully challenged in court.
Prospective bidders should adequately acquaint themselves with the properties in which they are interested prior to the auction. Suggested inquiries might be considered in the areas of: special assessments – county clerk’s office or respective city clerks’ offices; zoning and building restrictions; respective county or city building, planning and inspection offices; plat maps – county clerk’s office; deed information – county clerk’s office or register of deeds’ office.
If a person desires to purchase a property prior to auction, that transaction is strictly between that person and the owner of record. To stop the tax foreclosure process, the full amount of taxes and interest plus court costs must be paid. The mere transfer of title, even having the deed recorded, will not stop the proceedings nor the sale. Only when all taxes and court costs are paid will the property be deleted from the sale.
Buyers of tax foreclosure properties are responsible for the full amount of taxes for the year of the sale, regardless of the date of sale. Buyers are responsible for all current and future special assessments on the property. Buyers are not responsible for any delinquent taxes.
Owners or lien holders of record can challenge sale of properties sold at a tax foreclosure auction after the sale through district court. The county may defend the sale with appointed counsel. Buyers may, at their own expense, engage their own attorney if they wish to be represented during such action. If the court should decide in favor of the plaintiff and set aside the sale of the property, the court will direct the county regarding refunding the full purchase price plus any fees paid.
Terms of Sale
Bidders must be registered and have a bidding number to participate in the bidding. Registration will begin approximately one hour prior to sale time. To register, a person must provide two pieces of positive identification showing name and address (with an attached photograph on one piece), provide their telephone number or other verifiable contact method, and provide their signature certifying they are not the record owner of any real estate upon which there are delinquent ad valorem or special assessment taxes. Only then will a bidding number be issued.
Successful bidders will be responsible for their bids and must not depart the auction without making payment in full for their purchase(s). If not, legal action may be taken against you to enforce your bid and you may be ineligible to bid at future sales.
Terms of payment will be announced prior to sale
According to K.S.A. 79-2804, the sheriff is required to register the deeds for properties purchased at tax foreclosure auction prior to delivering them to the buyer. Therefore, the filing fee for registration of the deed(s) will be collected from the buyer of each parcel at the time of sale.
A receipt of purchase will be given at time of payment. A sheriff’s deed will be mailed to successful bidders as soon as “confirmation of sale” is filed with the clerk of the district court and the deeds are recorded with the register of deeds office. This usually requires a waiting period of approximately 90 days after the date of sale. This waiting period allows all checks to clear and the settlement of any disputed sales (challenges) in court. The county desires to conclude the case in the most expeditious, legal manner possible. It also may take additional time for prior years’ delinquent taxes to be purged from the property record.
If a successful bidder purchases an occupied property, the purchaser is responsible for handling this instance in a considerate manner. The county is NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR EVICTION.
Purchasers are responsible for payment of the current full year of taxes
(ad valorem and any “specials”) for any tax foreclosure auction during that year. The taxes are not pro-rated to sale dates. “Specials” can be added up to August 26 of each year. “Specials,” which purchasers will pay as part of that year’s taxes, may be announced at the sale, however all specials may not be listed.
The mill levy is the tax rate applied to the assessed value of taxable property. One mill raises one dollar for every $1,000 dollars of assessed value.
The County Clerk computes the mill levies for each local taxing authority by dividing the portion of the taxing authority’s budget that is property tax funded by the taxable assessed value in the taxing authority’s service area.
The 2021 Levies are as published and can be review in the file below. Copies of the 2021 Mill Levies on each $1,000 Tangible Assessed Valuation can be obtained from the County Clerk’s or Treasurer’s Office. To have the information emailed to you call or email the County Treasurer.
For more information on mill levies, please contact the County Clerk’s office at (785) 890-4806
Treasurer’s Office (785)-890-4810