
Harvey Swager

Commissioner District 1

Phone :

(785) 890-4807

Email :


Rodney Blake

Commissioner District 2

Phone :

(785) 821-2474

Email :

County Commission

Sherman County is divided in to 3 districts, each represented by a commissioner.  The commissioners meet the 2nd Monday and the last working day of each month at 8:00 AM.   To request an appointment with the commissioners contact the County Clerk's Office at (785) 890-4806.

Steve Evert

Commissioner District 3

Phone :

(785) 821-2880

Email :

Friday October 18, 2024

October’s meetings will be on October 18th and 31st. 

Old BusinessNew Business
KCAMP Voting Delegate
Review Smoky Gardens Soil Sample Results
EMS Training Agreements
2023 Balanced Tax Roll Report
Review S.O. Structural Analysis
Fire FRA Agreement
2025 Holiday Schedule
Holiday Gift
Elevator Repair Proposal
Road & Bridge Uniform Agreement
Appointment TimeAppointment Description
8:00Public Comment
8:15Rachelle - Appraiser Mapping Contract

The minutes from the County Commissioner meetings can be found here.

Recorded meetings can be found here or on YouTube.

Sherman County Commission Open Meeting Policy

To foster meetings that allow for the clear and orderly exchange of ideas, to retain the proper decorum deserved of the vital work undertaken by the Commission, to facilitate an atmosphere whereby proper and accurate minutes can be taken and to yet allow an effective framework for citizens to approach their elected officials, we, as the Board of County Commissioners, adopt the follow polices:

  • Only those listed on the agenda will be allowed to address the Commission unless otherwise authorized by the Commission.
  • All those wishing to be listed on the agenda must contact the County Clerk at least 5 days prior to the meeting and provide their name, address and purpose of addressing the Commission.  All requests will be reviewed by the Commission Chairman or the Commission as a whole.  All requests will either be honored or directed to an appropriate supervisor for resolution.
  • Those listed on the agenda must address the Commission seated at the commission table.
  • Open public comment session, if allowed, must address the commission from the podium in the observer’s area.
  • Should those addressing the Commission, as previously outlined, wish to enter comments into the discussion from others not listed on the agenda, permission of the Commission must first be granted.
  • If the Commission chooses to allow comments from those not on the agenda, they may require such commenter’s to present themselves inside the banister or the Public Comment podium prior to presenting their comments.
  • All those allowed to address the Commission must first state their name, residence and purpose of speaking and are encouraged to speak clearly so their words can be easily understood and entered into the minutes.  In addition, anyone speaking to the commission should adjust the microphone in front of them so that their comments can be part of the recorded meeting.
  • Comments shall be limited to issues and not personalities.  No personal attacks will be tolerated.
  • Public comments and presentations shall not exceed 5 minutes unless authorized by the Commission. Public comments are strictly comments and not a Q&A session with the commission. The Commission may allow for extended discussion of agenda items if the Commission feels it is in the best interests of the County.
  • Those addressing the Commission should keep their address within the bounds of good taste befitting the occasion and the dignity of the Commission meeting.
  • The Commission reserves the right to end any portion of their meeting at any time and retains sole authority over the course of said meetings up to and including topics listed on the agenda.

This Policy applies to Regular and Special Meetings of the County Commission, in addition to any other public forums or meetings as authorized by the County Commission; the staff of Sherman County; and members of the public and attendees at applicable meetings under this policy.

The policy does not extend to any Executive Sessions that are closed to the public under a proper K.S.A Statute.

Access to Archived Recordings

Regular and Special Commission Meetings that are streamed live on the internet will remain on the Sherman County’s YouTube Channel and backed up to local storage. Recordings will be available to be viewed by the public free of charge. Executive Sessions closed to the public are not recorded.

Notice to Meeting Attendees and Viewers

By attending a County Commission meeting, those in attendance consent to being recorded. Sherman County does not allow for public comment on the videos.  Any questions need to be presented to the Commission during a regularly scheduled meeting time.

Adopted October 31, 2022

The approved resolutions can be found here.